The end – not

There is no stopping place in this life –
No, not for anyone,
No matter how far along the road he or she may be.
This then, above all things,
Be at all times
Ready for the gifts of God
And always for new ones.




    1. I like your title Jo. Women and the Wolves is neater than Women who Run with the Wolves. And yes, Clarissa is utterly brilliant.

  1. “Hey Jo
    where you going with that quote in your head”
    Delighted that you are still on your quest.
    I’m warmed by your openness, awed by your creativity and delighted to have glanced your life.
    Definitely not the end -loads of time and amazement to come..Love x

    1. Thank you Chris. That is a lovely thing to say and so nicely put. I didn’t know you were a writer as well as everything else – nice use of rhythm and the rule of threes there! x

  2. Wow! Plenty of food for thought. Much love and warmest greetings. May the second half century be even more remarkable than the first xx

    1. You made it to the end – not! Well done Johnny and thanks for your greetings. I am looking forward to the next bit, however long it is. x

  3. Advent Sunday, and finally the ring-fenced space for the full fifty (plus) steps of the meditation that’s been waiting since your birthday for its time, like a treasure in the wings. (More accurately, it’s “stolen” space, between teenage chauffeuring duties – and the To Do List will have to wait!) What a dancing conversation between you and others who have travelled the journey: how inspirational, highlighting the dance within the muddle and juggle and fraying edges and letting go of it all. I love the non-ending, with a-blooming-nother thought – so your pen-pen-penultimate stage provoked a smile-that’s-burst-in-to-a-laugh! It confirms so graphically that the conversation continues. Thank God! I’ll be coming back to draw on the deep resource of this treasure trove fifthieth year conversation. And I’ll be continuing the conversation with you going forwards, embracing the ragged and jagged, lilting and soaring, as we continue to step forward, daring to believe that all can be used as life’s energy. Thanks, Jo!

    1. What a lovely comment, Sarah. I’m glad you liked the pen-pen-penultimate poem, because I received that one from you originally. And I’m pleased you appreciated “the ragged and jagged” too. That piece by Clarissa almost didn’t make the final cut on the grounds that I’d used so much by Clarissa already and it did the same job as Rumi’s Guest House. But in the end I couldn’t delete it because I liked “the ragged and the jagged” so much. What a wonderful description! I think on it so many times as I meander through life. “Ah! That’ll be the ragged and jagged. Hello!”

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