This is the true nature of the psychic tree: it grows, it gives, it is used up, it leaves its seed for new; it loves us. Such is the Life/Death/Life mystery. It is a pattern, an ancient one from water, before light, an unwavering one.
Once we learn these cycles, be they of pear, of tree, of orchard, of stages and ages of a woman’s life, we can count on them to repeat themselves over and over again, in the same cycle and in the same manner.
The pattern is this: In all dying there is uselessness that becomes useful as we pick our way through it all. What knowing we will come to reveals itself as we go along. In all livingkind, loss becomes a full gain.
Our work is to interpret this Life/Death/Life cycle, to live it as gracefully as we know how, to howl like a mad dog when we can not – and to go on, for ahead lies the loving underworld family of the psyche that will embrace and assist us.
Women Who Run With the Wolves (Ballantine Books)
Next step: A well-kept secret